Our company

Siberg: for over 20 years a reference for industrial process automation and system integration.

A competent and reliable partner since 1999

We began as a small reality in the local area and have grown up facing increasingly complex challenges within the industrial automation market. Our approach by objectives have accompanied us in many years of projects completed to the satisfaction of customers.

What do we do?

We are automation systems integrators. We use hardware and software of the best brands available on the market to create dedicated solutions that meet the specific needs of each customer.

What do we do?

Who can we help?

Our customers are major contractors or manufacturers of machines and systems. But also production companies in different industries. For all our customers we are a technological partner and a valuable resource.

Who can we help?

Our story


Siberg was founded in 1999 by professionals from the engineering and automation of production processes. Since its inception we have provided the necessary support for project management in its entirety, from basic engineering, to the testing and commissioning of automation systems, to multilingual technical documentation.

2000 - 2010

We have grown steadily. The desire to broaden our knowledge and experience has led us to accept many challenges and we have participated in a series of multidisciplinary innovation and technology transfer projects in various fields of application.

2000 - 2002

In 2000-2002 we proposed products and services for interactive communication with the public, as an evolution of traditional human-machine interface systems. We have developed applications for cultural heritage, commercial activities, trade fairs, tourism promotion.


In 2002 we worked together with the remote sensing and geomatics group of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Brescia, for the supply of permanent GPS stations.


In 2003 we cooperated in the implementation of a network of interactive information points for tourist routes. The project was financed by the Emilia Romagna Region and managed by the Consorzio Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori dei Colli di Rimini.
Also in 2003, with our customer Steriline, we tackled for the first time the issue of compliance with the FDA 21CFR Part 11 directive for the management of Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures in production systems for the pharmaceutical industry. It was the beginning of a competence that is still part of Siberg’s know-how today.

2004 - 2005

In 2004-2005 we worked on the “Easy GPS” project, a modular remote sensing system with integration of satellite and inertial technologies for position tracking and geo-referenced data measurement in applications related to mountain safety and natural park management, in cooperation with the University of Brescia. Still, we have never left industrial automation.


In 2008 we obtained the qualification of Saipem supplier for specialist consultancy at the ENI Val d’Agri Oil Centre.


Since 2009, following the new needs of the market, we have been providing targeted consultancy for research and product innovation activities to some customers, in home automation (energy consumption control) and lighting engineering applications (LED and fibre optics).This period also saw the start of participation in a special project entitled “Learning to Live By Playing”, in collaboration with the Milan Polytechnic Foundation.

2010 - 2012

In the period 2010-2012 we signed an agreement with the University of Brescia for the co-financing of a research project on laser scanner measurement applications. Project title: “Development and implementation of innovative portals for automatic three-dimensional detection in the industrial field, in the advanced materials sector and in three-dimensional volumetric measurement”.

2011 - 2012

From 2011-2012, the historic core business of industrial automation took over and we focused on the pharmaceutical sector.


Since 2015 Siberg has officially become the automation partner of Steriline, a manufacturer of machines for the pharmaceutical industry, founded in Como. The Steriline group is strongly innovation-oriented and is expanding internationally.

2017 - Today

We have also grown in size. Our staff is now organized into working groups and we have consolidated a network of external collaborators, selecting the best partners to support our internal staff.

A few numbers

Internal technical staff


Internal technical staff
Autonomous work groups


Autonomous work groups
Projects closed


Projects closed
Years of activity


Years of activity


A network approach allows us to provide a flexible, competent and efficient service through a group of established partners.